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How to Connect With Your Messenger Bot?

With the rise of Messenger Bots, chatbots are able to create an interactive connection between the user and the website, or app. On the other hand, Facebook Messenger Bot is not merely an interactive tool. It is also a conversational interface that allows an automated conversation to be held between the user and the bot.

The Messenger Bot  is able to reach out to users that are on the same level as the users because it has the capability to transfer a message to users that are more advanced in skills and understanding. Moreover, chatbots can conduct complex conversations without having to use the messaging service. This is because of its ability to send messages to users that are on the level of human beings.

However, chatbots cannot convey their own capabilities to users. It will depend on the knowledge of the user on the subject. In order to create a very interactive chat, you need to understand the difference between the way the chatbot interacts with the user's knowledge. Below are some examples of ways that one can interact with the chatbot.

o The Chatbots that communicates with you through chat/messages will not always directly talk to you but rather people that are within your proximity and conversational levels. To create a conversation with a bot, you need to have a conversational level to the same level as the user. For example, if you are in a meeting and you go online and the bot says, "I am also very busy."

You may need to take this information in consideration. Then you can reply with, "Really?" This gives the chatbot a message to build a conversation with you.

o When a chatbot gets into a conversation with a user, you can tell it to tell you more about what it is doing. To do this, you can simply type commands like the following: "Tell me more about this." This will automatically create a conversation between the two of you.

o To continue the conversation, you can type more commands like, "Tell me more about that." This gives the bot more information on what you are asking about. You could also tell it to explain in detail about its task.

o If the bot gets confused, it can be returned to you by typing a query. If the user knows what is going on, he or she could suggest the bot to look into the next question. In case you don't know what the bot is trying to say, you can ask the bot to talk to you.

o A Facebook Chatbot is not merely a machine that responds to the commands you give it. The bot actually learns how to interact with humans and users so it would understand the suggestions given by users.

o The Facebook chatbot is able to connect with you based on how it is programmed. This is because you can write comments, suggestions, or answers that can help the bot make better guesses. This helps the bot with the understanding of the fact that human interaction plays a big role in creating a successful collaboration.

In order to enable these above techniques, you have to have a computer program on Facebook. Alternatively, you can use a web browser or a smartphone application that uses a Facebook login.

On the other hand, as an alternative, you can use Google Chrome to help your chatbot with conversational barriers. In Google Chrome, you can have the option to change the text size and position of your text so that it is not blocked or overlapped by the chatbot's text.

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