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Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implants In Marbella

Dental implants are a permanent, secure way to replace missing teeth. They are titanium posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to support a natural-looking and functioning artificial tooth.

Implants are an increasingly popular and effective way to replace missing teeth and restore self-confidence. You can also get dental implants in Marbella with a lifetime guarantee (which is also known as “Implantes Dentales en Marbella con Garanta de por Vida” in the Spanish language).

The process of getting dental implants usually involves two stages. First, the implant posts are surgically placed in the jawbone. While healing, the posts will fuse with the bone over the course of several months. During this time, a temporary restoration can be placed to fill the space of the missing tooth.

Once the implants have fully fused with the jawbone, a permanent restoration is placed. This restoration, which can be either a crown, bridge, or denture, is made to match your surrounding teeth in size, shape, and color. The restoration is then attached to the posts, creating a secure, stable, and natural-looking tooth replacement.

Dental implants can provide many advantages, including improved speech and facial appearance, improved comfort, and improved chewing ability. They also help preserve the natural shape of the face, help prevent bone loss, and provide stability for the surrounding teeth.

Conclusion: Dental implants are a secure and permanent way to replace missing teeth. They can help improve speech, facial appearance, comfort, and chewing ability, and can help preserve the natural shape of the face. It is important to talk to your dentist about the benefits and risks of dental implants before making a decision. With the right care and maintenance, implants can last for a lifetime.

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