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Exploring the Vibrant World of Dichroic Frit: Tips and Tricks for Fused Glass Art

For those who are passionate about fused glass art, dichroic frit is a material that cannot be overlooked. The ability to create unique and vibrant designs with this material has made it a popular choice for artists and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will explore the world of dichroic frit and provide tips and tricks for incorporating it into your fused glass art.

Dichroic frit is a type of COE90 sheet glass that has been coated with a thin layer of metal oxides, allowing it to reflect light in a way that creates a shimmering, multi-colored effect. This material is available in a variety of colors and textures, making it a versatile choice for fused glass art. The frit can be used on its own or combined with other materials, such as glass powders, to create unique designs and patterns.

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There are many ways to incorporate dichroic frit into your fused glass art. One popular technique is to sprinkle the frit onto a base layer of glass and then fuse the layers together in a kiln. This creates a textured and multi-colored effect that can be used to create jewelry, bowls, and other decorative items.

Dichroic frit is a versatile and beautiful material that can add depth and texture to your fused glass art. By following these tips and tricks, you can create stunning pieces that are sure to impress. So, go ahead and explore the vibrant world of dichroic frit â the possibilities are truly endless!


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