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Guide About Putting Green Turf

Putting greens are a great addition to any backyard, and can provide hours of fun and entertainment for the whole family. But before you install a putting green in your backyard, there are a few things you need to know.

First, you need to choose the right location for your artificial putting green grass. It should be in an area that gets plenty of sun and is well-drained. You also need to make sure the area is level so that your ball will roll smoothly.

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Once you've found the perfect spot, it's time to start preparing the ground for your putting green. The first step is to remove any existing grass or weeds from the area. Then, use a rototiller to loosen up the soil so that it's easy to work with.

Now it's time to start laying down the turf. Start by rolling out the turf in one direction, then cutting it to size with a sharp knife. When you're ready to install the turf, make sure you use an adhesive designed specifically for artificial turf. This will ensure that your turf stays in place and doesn't come loose over time.

After your turf is installed, it's time to add the infill material. This is what gives your putting green its soft, spongy feel. There are many different types of infill materials available, but we recommend using crumb rubber because it's eco-friendly and provides a consistent playing surface.

Once you've added the infill  and installed the flags, you're ready to start practicing your putting skills!

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