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How to Build Credit for Your Small Business

Building credit for your small business can be a challenge, especially when you're starting out. Your business credit score is a reflection of your business' financial health, and it's important to build a good credit score to get the best interest rates and terms on loans. 

Here are a few tips for how to build credit for your small business.

Understand Your Credit Score

The first step in building credit for your small business is to understand what makes up your credit score. Your credit score is a three-digit number that reflects your creditworthiness. You can get the services of a small business credit builder through Ivy Hall Academy.

It takes into account your payment history, the amount you owe, the length of your credit history, and the types of credit accounts you have. The higher your credit score, the better your chances of getting approved for a loan or line of credit.

Establish a Business Bank Account

The next step is to establish a business bank account. This is an important step in building credit for your small business because it shows lenders that your business is well-organized and financially responsible. Having a business bank account also makes it easier to track expenses and keep accurate records of your business finances.

Pay Your Bills on Time

Once you have a business bank account, it's important to pay all of your bills on time. Late payments can hurt your credit score, so it's important to stay on top of your payments. Paying your bills on time also shows potential lenders that you're a reliable borrower, and that you can be trusted to pay back any money you borrow.

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