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How To Install And Use EFI Autocal For Improved Engine Performance

EFI Autocal is an advanced engine tuning tool designed to help you improve the performance of your vehicle's engine. It allows you to make adjustments to the fuel and air mixture, spark timing, and other parameters in order to maximize engine performance. Installing and using Autocal can be a bit intimidating, but with a few simple steps, you can get the most out of your engine.

Step 1: Purchase the Autocal Kit

The first step to installing and using Autocal is to purchase the Autocal kit. This kit includes a handheld EFI Autocal device, ECU harness, and O2 sensor. All of these components are necessary for the Autocal to work properly. Make sure to purchase a kit that is compatible with your vehicle's engine. To get more details about EFI autcal, then you may navigate to this site

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Step 2: Install the Autocal Device

Once you have the kit, you can begin the installation process. Start by connecting the ECU harness to the Autocal device. Then, plug the O2 sensor into the Autocal device. Once the connections are made, the Autocal device should be ready to use.

Step 3: Connect the Autocal Device to Your Vehicle

The next step is to connect the Autocal device to your vehicle. This can be done by connecting the Autocal device to the OBD port, which is usually located underneath the dashboard.

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