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How To Soften Calluses And Remove Hard Corns From Your Feet?

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Calluses are areas of skin that have formed due to excessive friction against the ground or other surfaces. They can be a problem for people who wear shoes or boots, as they can make it difficult to walk or even stand. Corns, on the other hand, are raised bumps that form on the top of your feet when you walk on them for long periods of time. However you can get redirected here to buy callus softener spray.

There are several ways to remove calluses and corns from your feet. You can use a pumice stone or a foot file to get rid of the calluses; you can also soak your feet in warm water and dishwashing soap for 10 minutes, then rinse them off.

If you suffer from hard calluses or corns on your feet, there is a solution! A callus softener spray can help soften and remove these hardened areas. 

To use a callus softener spray, simply apply the formula to your feet and massage it into the skin. You can then wear shoes and continue to massage the product into your feet every few hours, until the areas are softened.

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