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The Basics Of Creating A Brand Identity Package

Having a strong brand identity is essential for any business. It helps to convey your values, mission, and overall message to the public. A brand identity package, also known as a visual identity, is a collection of materials used to communicate a company’s brand. 

It includes logos, fonts, colors, imagery, and more. Creating a brand identity package is a great way to ensure that all of your branding materials convey the same message and represent your company in the best light. You can type "what does a brand identity package cost in Calgary" in your browser's search box to find the brand identity package cost.

When creating a brand identity package, it is important to consider the colors, fonts, and images that you will use. These elements should be chosen carefully to ensure that they accurately reflect your company’s values and goals. 

You should also think about the tone you want to convey. Do you want to be seen as friendly and approachable, or professional and authoritative? Your brand identity should also be consistent across all platforms, from your website to print materials.

In addition to colors, fonts, and imagery, you should also consider creating a logo. Logos are essential for businesses, as they provide a visual representation of the company. Logos should be easily recognizable, memorable, and appropriate for the company’s target audience.

Your brand identity package should also include a style guide. A style guide is a document that outlines how your branding materials should be used.

This includes things like how colors should be used, how fonts should be used, and what images should be paired with text. A style guide helps to ensure that all of your branding materials are consistent so that your company’s message isn’t diluted.

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