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The Impact of Technology on the Practice of Defense Attorneys

Technology has impacted almost every area of law, including criminal defense. From how cases are investigated and defended to how evidence is presented in court, technology has changed the way defense attorneys practice their craft. In this article, we will discuss the impact of technology on the practice of defense attorneys.

Criminal defense attorneys in Erie are familiar with the local courts and prosecutors and have a good understanding of the area’s criminal justice system. They are familiar with the local laws and the legal resources available to their clients. They are also familiar with the various legal strategies used in criminal defense and can provide their clients with valuable advice and guidance throughout the process.

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One of the most significant impacts of technology on the practice of defense attorneys has been the use of digital evidence. Digital evidence can include anything from emails and text messages to video surveillance footage. This type of evidence has become increasingly important in court proceedings and can be used to present a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the case.

In addition, technology has also allowed defense attorneys to access more information quickly and easily. The use of online databases and other digital resources has enabled defense attorneys to more effectively research and prepare for cases. This has allowed for more effective defenses and can be used to support a client's case.

Finally, technology has also changed the way cases are argued in court. Video conferencing, online proceedings, and virtual courtrooms have all become more common as technology has advanced. This has allowed lawyers to present their arguments and evidence in a more comprehensive and effective manner.


In conclusion, technology has had a major impact on the practice of defense attorneys. From how cases are investigated and defended to how evidence is presented in court, the use of technology has changed the way defense attorneys practice their craft. This has allowed for more effective defenses and can be used to support a client's case.

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