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What Are Some Drills For Better Golf Angle In US?

One way to improve your golf swing is by practicing at different angles. By working on different swings, you can find the best angle for you and avoid common mistakes. Here are some drills to help improve your angle:

-Footwork Drill: Stand with your back to a wall and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Position the ball at your toes and take a practice swing. As you strike the ball, move your hips towards the target and keep your shoulders square to the ground. Repeat this drill several times at different angles.

You can easily get the best golf tips for seniors as well for beginners in the US from various reliable golf schools.

-Pitching Drill: This drill helps improve loft and accuracy when hitting low or short shots. Place a tee in front of a net, then stand behind it with your back to the net. Take a practice swing while keeping your eyes on the ball. When you strike the ball, send it over the net as if you were pitching it to someone else. Repeat this drill several times at different angles.

-Golf Ball Angle Drill: This drill helps players develop consistency with their golf swings. Stand about 10 feet from a wall with a golf ball at your feet and take a practice swing. Aimlessly throw the ball against the wall until you feel comfortable with its trajectory. 

You can find tutorials on how to do this online, or you can ask a personal trainer to help you learn how to do it.

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