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What You Need To Repair Plaster Walls

If your plaster walls are in need of repair, there are a few things you'll need to gather before getting started. First, you'll need a putty knife, a sponge, some sandpaper, and a patching compound. You'll also need a drill and some screws, if the damage is extensive.

Once you have all of your materials gathered, the first step is to remove any loose or flaking plaster from the wall. To find more about the plastering ceiling repair then visit

To do this, simply apply your patching compound to the affected area and smooth it out with your putty knife. If you're dealing with larger cracks or holes, you may need to reinforce by drilling a few screws into the wall and then applying more patching compound over top.

Once you've repaired all the damage, give the area a light sanding to help smooth out any rough edges. Then, simply wipe down the area with a damp sponge and allow it to dry completely before painting or wallpapering over top.

If your plaster walls are in need of repair, there are a few things you'll need to gather before getting started. First, you'll need a putty knife, a sponge, water, sandpaper, and a paintbrush. You'll also need a piece of fine mesh screen and some joint compound.

Once you have all of your materials gathered, you'll want to start by cleaning the area to be repaired with the sponge and water. Then, use the sandpaper to rough up the area around the hole or crack. This will help the joint compound to adhere better.

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