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What Are The Different Types Of Screen Repairs?

There are many different types of mobile screen repairs, so it's important to find the right one for your specific case. Here are the most common types:

1. Complete Screen Replacement: If your entire screen is cracked or broken, this is usually the best option. A complete screen replacement will include the entire front and back glass screens on your device, as well as any digitizer components. This can be a costly repair, but it's usually the best option if your phone is completely unusable.

If you want to know more about screen repair services, you can also contact us now.


2. Partial Screen Replacement: If only part of your screen is broken or cracked, a partial screen replacement may be a better option. This will involve replacing just the damaged area of your screen, rather than replacing the entire screen. This can be a cheaper repair, but it may not be as effective as a fullscreen replacement.

3. Digitizer Repair: If your phone's digitizer (the middle layer that converts touch inputs into digital data) is broken or damaged, you'll likely need to replace it instead of repairing it. This can be a more expensive repair than either partial or fullscreen replacements, but it's often still affordable and effective.

4. LCD Screen Repair: If just one pixel on your LCD screen is broken or damaged, this may be an affordable and effective fix. However, if more than one pixel is affected, this will likely require a more expensive repair that includes replacing the entire LCD panel on your device.

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