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Why Soil Screening Is The Answer To Your Weed Control Troubles

Soil screening is a process of refining the topsoil by separating it from the subsoils. The earth is typically screened through a slotted or perforated plate, a sieve, or a shaker. When soil is screened, it can be used to get rid of unwanted plants that grow throughout the garden to make room for other desirable plants or flowers. For more such information you can navigate this site which provides wholesome knowledge of soil screening.

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What is Soil Screening?

Screening your soil is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure weed-free gardens and landscapes. By removing the top layer of soil, you’re able to remove most of the weed seeds that may be lurking below the surface.

Benefits of soil screening

  • It is a simple and effective way to control weeds. 
  • It also improves the appearance of your garden by preventing weed growth. Weeds can be unsightly and make your garden look untidy. 
  • It can improve drainage in your garden and help to prevent erosion. 

How to choose the right soil sifter

-The size of the sifter. 

-The type of screen. 

-The material of the sifter. 

-The price. 

Which size soil sifter should you use?

  • The first is the type of soil you have. If you have very sandy soil, a smaller sifter will do the trick. 
  • The second factor to consider is the amount of area you need to cover. A small sifter is great for a small garden bed, but if you're working on a large project, you'll need a larger sifter to get the job done quickly.
  • Finally, think about how often you'll be using your soil sifter. If you only need it occasionally, a smaller sifter will suffice.


If you're looking for an efficient and eco-friendly way to control weeds, soil screening is the answer.

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